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Beautiful close-up red rose

219 AED

Description Reviews


Product details:

  • 12 Red Roses
  • 1 Crystal Vase

12 Red roses are put together in a white shiny glass vase that gives a more charming look to the bouquet. Now you can send flowers to Abu Dhabi from anywhere in the word only with the Arabian florist. We are well known for UAE flower delivery.


  • Roses bring out one’s perfect feelings and also state an emotion of love. Roses remain as an expression of love.

Delivery Information:

  • The arrangements we delivered were more attractive and stayed fresh for a longer time.
  • This product is hand-delivered The actual product in the image will be designed and delivered with the symbol.
  • The delivery time will be chosen according to the availability of the product and destination. Mention the exact and correct address.
  • The delivery cannot be redirected to any other address.


Care Instructions:

  • Special nutritious fertilizers should be added into the vase to avoid the bacteria from growing in the vase.
  • Especially in hot environments, one needs to pay attention to the water level of the vase. It can fall rapidly.
  • For lasting delight, the vase must be placed in a suitable location with a partial shade of sunlight.
  • The vase should be far away from the ripe fruits; it produces ethylene, which steps up the ripening of the flowers; thus, the mature of flowers are shortened.

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